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Civic Power

An independent, thriving civil society is a vital safeguard against untrammelled state and corporate power.

We focus on four objectives:

Empowering civil society in priority countries across the EU to anticipate threats to civic space and grasp the opportunities to expand it.

Connect civil society organisations across Europe who are working to expand civic space and create opportunities for them to learn from each other, collaborate and build their capabilities.

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Develop activists’ and organisations’ resilience and sustainability, giving them  the security and resources they need to defend civic rights and democratic freedoms.

Galvanise private and public funders towards more effective support for civic and democratic space in Europe.

We provide flexible, core support over two years to ‘anchor’ partners in priority countries each year. 

Core support is  combined with project support and capacity-building to enable anchor groups to mobilise wider civil society including youth groups and build public and political support for civic values.